Разделы презентаций

Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin

Outline: Biography Works References

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin
16 November [O.S. 4 November] 1895 –

7 March[3] 1975) was a Russian philosopher, literary critic, semiotician[4]

and scholar who worked on literary theory, ethics, and the philosophy of language.
Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin 16 November [O.S. 4 November] 1895 – 7 March[3] 1975) was a Russian philosopher,

Слайд 2Outline:

Outline: Biography Works References

Слайд 3Biography
Oryol, Russia
Bakhtin was born in Oryol, Russia, to an

old family of the nobility.
His father was the manager

of a bank and worked in several cities.
For this reason Bakhtin spent his early childhood years in Oryol, in Vilnius, and then in Odessa, where in 1913 he joined the historical and philological faculty at the local university (the Odessa University)
Biography Oryol, RussiaBakhtin was born in Oryol, Russia, to an old family of the nobility. His father



Слайд 5Works and ideas

Works and ideas

Слайд 6Works and ideas

Works and ideas

Слайд 7References


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