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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year  !

Xmas vocabularyYou have 2 minutes:Collect as many Christmas/New Year’s Eve–related words as you can in your exercise book.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !

Слайд 2Xmas vocabulary
You have 2 minutes:
Collect as many Christmas/New Year’s Eve–related

words as you can in your exercise book.

Xmas vocabularyYou have 2 minutes:Collect as many Christmas/New Year’s Eve–related words as you can in your exercise

Слайд 3Talk about the advantages and the disadvantages of Xmas e-shopping

crowded shopping centres
Less stressful
Might be cheaper, etc.

Can’t touch the items

for delivery
Safe enough?
Delivery-related problems, etc.

Talk about the advantages and the disadvantages of Xmas e-shoppingProsNo crowded shopping centresLess stressfulComfortableEasyMight be cheaper, etc.ConsCan’t

Слайд 4Talk about the picture (topic) for 2 minutes.

Talk about the picture (topic)  for 2 minutes.

Слайд 5How do you celebrate the forthcoming festive days?
How do you

prepare in the period of Advent for Xmas?
Do you decorate

your home?
Where do you do your Xmas shopping?
What gifts do you usually give to your loved ones?
What was the best present you had ever had?
Do you have any plans for New Year’s Eve? (If yes, what?)
How do you celebrate the forthcoming festive days?How do you prepare in the period of Advent for

Слайд 6What does a traditional British Xmas dinner contain? How about

in your country?

What does a traditional British Xmas dinner contain?  How about in your country?

Слайд 7Talk about the picture (topic) for 2 minutes.

Talk about the picture (topic)  for 2 minutes.

Слайд 8Role play
You have a sister/brother. You want to buy/prepare Xmas

presents for your loved ones TOGETHER.
Discuss what to give to


Try to come to an agreement what presents would be the best for each family-member. Convince each other.

Role playYou have a sister/brother. You want to buy/prepare Xmas presents for your loved ones TOGETHER.Discuss what

Слайд 9Role play
You are a stay-at-home type of husband/wife. However, your

partner wants to go out and celebrate New Year’s Eve

not at home but somewhere else. Discuss what to do on this day. Try to convince each other.
Role playYou are a stay-at-home type of husband/wife. However, your partner wants to go out and celebrate

Слайд 10Discuss the statement below. Do you agree/disagree with it? Justify

your thoughts.

Xmas has been commercialised recently, therefore, it is all

about money& consumption.
Discuss the statement below. Do you agree/disagree with it? Justify your thoughts.Xmas has been commercialised recently, therefore,

Слайд 11Discuss the statement below. Do you agree/disagree with it? Justify

your thoughts.

Xmas is stressful for mothers as they have to

bake and cook a lot, they have to clean the house and do all the preparations in time.
Discuss the statement below. Do you agree/disagree with it? Justify your thoughts.Xmas is stressful for mothers as

Слайд 12Discuss the statement below. Do you agree/disagree with it? Justify

your thoughts.
Handmade Xmas presents are much more valuable than bought

Discuss the statement below. Do you agree/disagree with it? Justify your thoughts.Handmade Xmas presents are much more

Слайд 13Discuss the statement below. Do you agree/disagree with it? Justify

your thoughts.

Xmas is nothing without a nicely decorated Xmas tree.

Discuss the statement below. Do you agree/disagree with it? Justify your thoughts.Xmas is nothing without a nicely

Слайд 14Discuss the statement below. Do you agree/disagree with it? Justify

your thoughts.
New Year’s Eve is totally the same as any

other day of the year so we should not celebrate it.

Discuss the statement below. Do you agree/disagree with it? Justify your thoughts.New Year’s Eve is totally the

Слайд 15Discuss the statement below. Do you agree/disagree with it? Justify

your thoughts.
New Year’s resolutions are absolutely unnecessary and useless.

Discuss the statement below. Do you agree/disagree with it? Justify your thoughts.New Year’s resolutions are absolutely unnecessary

Слайд 16Do you agree with it?

Do you agree with it?

Слайд 17Thank you for your participation! 
Have a good time at


Thank you for your participation! Have a good time at Xmas!

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