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Introduction Chocolate is sweet… Chocolate is delicious… People all over the world are fond of it. But what do we really know about chocolate?

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Слайд 1Chocolate
made by Victoria Svischova

Chocolatemade by Victoria Svischova

Слайд 2Introduction
Chocolate is sweet…
Chocolate is delicious…

People all over the world are fond of it.

But what do we really know about chocolate?
Introduction  Chocolate is sweet…  Chocolate is delicious…  People all over the world are fond

Слайд 3History of chocolate.
Long before the discovery of America

by Europeans Aztecs knew how to prepare chocolate. It was

a bitter drink, which was cooked from roasted cocoa beans with spices. It could afford only the rich, because This drink was sacred. The Spaniards tried chocolate in the New World in the late fifteenth century. "The drink of the gods" had little in common with the well-known to us modern hot chocolate, so the conquistadors found it tasty!

History of chocolate.  Long before the discovery of America by Europeans Aztecs knew how to prepare

Слайд 4The description of the cacao tree.
The Cacao Tree

is a shade tolerant, moisture loving, understory rainforest tree. It

naturally favors riparian zones so often in the wild is found along rivers. The trees live for up to 100 years, but cultivated trees are considered economically productive for only about 60 years.
The description of the cacao tree.  The Cacao Tree is a shade tolerant, moisture loving, understory

Слайд 5The benefits of chocolate.
Chocolate charges with vigor and improves mood.

in chocolate magnesium counteracts depression, improves memory, increases resistance to

stress and strengthens the immune system.
Chocolate saves from a heart attack and stroke.
Chocolate protects vessels from atherosclerosis.
Chocolate strengthens blood vessels.
Chocolate eliminates excess weight.
Chocolate is good for your teeth and gums.
Chocolate does not cause acne.
Chocolate is much less likely to cause allergies than people think.

The benefits of chocolate.Chocolate charges with vigor and improves mood.Contained in chocolate magnesium counteracts depression, improves memory,

Слайд 6Microelements


Слайд 7Vitamins


Слайд 8Chocolate uplifting.
Half an hour of rest in an aromatic “chocolate

spacesuit” shoot the general irritability, nourish the skin with minerals

and oils that soften the organic acids, decorate the shade of tan. Chocolate wrap is a drug for skin.
Chocolate uplifting.Half an hour of rest in an aromatic “chocolate spacesuit” shoot the general irritability, nourish the

Слайд 9Harmful effects of chocolate.
Along with coffee, tobacco and drugs, chocolate,

according to World Health Organization, included in the list of

substances that cause a life-threatening addiction.

Pure cocoa has positive effects on blood pressure and cholesterol and also prevents heart disease. However, processed chocolate is what the majority of people are eating, and it contains added sugar, milk fats, saturated fats and corn syrup. These ingredients actually promote heart disease, weight gain, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Harmful effects of chocolate.Along with coffee, tobacco and drugs, chocolate, according to World Health Organization, included in

Слайд 10Types of chocolate.

Types of chocolate.UnsweetenedDarkWhiteMilkSemi-sweetBittersweet

Слайд 11Interesting facts
Theobromide is a poison to dogs, even rather small

amounts of real Chocolate can kill a dog.

Chocolate charges

with vigor and improves mood, Say U.S. doctors. Unbelievable but true: in their effect on the body chocolate recalls ... marijuana.

If a woman during pregnancy, eating a lot of chocolate, her child is almost 100 per cent of cases are born perfectly healthy. In addition, children are those who like chocolate have different nerves and easily cope with stressful situations.
Interesting factsTheobromide is a poison to dogs, even rather small amounts of real Chocolate can kill a

Слайд 12My research

My research

Слайд 13Conclusion
Luckily for all chocolate-lovers the researches prove its usefulness for

both our health and mood.
So you may eat it without

fear…but with great pleasure.☺☺☺
ConclusionLuckily for all chocolate-lovers the researches prove its usefulness for both our health and mood.So you may

Слайд 14Life is sweeter with chocolate…*)

Life is sweeter with chocolate…*)

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